Cost Comparison Against Bricks

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Cost Effective Solutions

Cost savings using the FinnBUILDER are substantial. Build a 200m2 house with FinnBUILDER and save R 78 480 against the cost of building with brick. Total building costs work out at just R 163.48 /m2 of walling against the R 364.71 /m2 of building with cement stock bricks. You are able to save R 201.23 /m2 of walling.

FinnBUILDER walls are extremely strong. Follow the concrete mixes which we give you and your walls will cure to a strength between 15 to 20 MPa. Cement stock bricks are manufactured to just 5 to 7 MPa.

This is an easy way to build, particularly because plastering is not necessary. Simply float off the walls with a thin skin using a plaster mix to get a good finish, or add a little river sand to achieve a rougher Tuscan country finish.

Cost per m2

FinnBUILDER Bricks Saving With FinnBUILDER
Building Material R 106.90 R 162.47 R 55.57
Labour R 28.50 R 111.11 R 82.61
Plastering R 0.00 R 91.13 R 91.13
Floating R 28.08 R 0.00 -R 28.08
Total Costs / m2 R 163.48 R 364.71 R 201.23

Cost Comparison Graph

Build the walls of a 200 m2 three bedroom home and boundary wall for just
R 76 835 against R 142 237 using bricks and save R 78 480.
In the table below, you will find a detailed comparison of costs, where you will gain an understanding of why these savings accrue. Attend our training sessions and we’ll show you how.Prices of materials may vary in your area. Your costs may differ from those used in this comparison.Some people are able to use their site soil as building sand. This will reduce their costs even further.

Cost per m2 of vertical walling

Detailed Comparison of Costs FinnBUILDER Bricks Savings
180m X 2.6m high = 470m2 of walling
470m2 X 0.22 m wide + 20% compact = 124m3
Therefore 124m3 of aggregate @ R 161 / m3 R 19,964.00
Require 48 kgs of cement per m2
470m2 = 451 bags @ R66.00 / bag excl R 29,779.20
Allowance for Y 10 reinforcing steel R 500.00
Total Materials for wall using FinnBUILDER R 50,243.20
Bricks 7 MPa
470m2 X 110 bricks / m2 =
equals 51 700 bricks @ R 994.00 / 1000 R 51,389.80
Building sand 1m3 / 1000 bricks = 51.7m3
51.7m3 @ R 120.00m3 R 6,204.00
Cement – require 5.5 bags cement per m3.
= 51.7m3 x 5 bags @ R 66.00 R 18,767.10
Total Materials for wall using bricks R 76,360.90
Cost per Square Meter R 106.90 R 162.47 R 55.57
The Industry standard for a team of FinnBUILDER sub – contractors, provided with 4 FinnBUILDER machines to build with, is R 28.50 / m2 of vertical walling. R 28.50
Bricks (110 bricks needed per m2 of walling)
The Industry standard for Bricklayers is R 600 per 1000 bricks laid. 1000 bricks laid / 110 bricks per m2 = 5,4 m2 of walling.
Therefore cost per m2 is R 600 / 5,4m2 R 111.11
Cost per Square Meter R 28.50 R 111.11 R 82.61
No need to plaster. Unless you have a preference for this type of finish. Float the walls instead.
Plaster 15mm thick both sides.
Need 0.021m3 of plaster sand per 1m2 of wall
@ R 265.00 / m3 = R 5,57 one side of the wall
R 11.13
Cement: 1 pocket to plaster 3m2 of wall
@ R66.00 per pocket = R66.00 / 4m2 one side of the wall
R 44.00
Labour: R 18 / m2 one side of the wall. R 36.00
Cost per Square Meter R 91.13 R 91.13
Finish the walls with a float mix 3 mm thick on both sides. Need 0.005m3 of plaster sand per
1m2 of wall. @ R 265.00 / m3 = R 1.33 / m2 one side of the wall.
R 2.65
Need 1 pocket of cement to float 14m2 of wall @
R 66.00 per pocket = R 66.00 / 14m2 one side of the wall
R 9.43
Labour: R 8 / meter one side of the wall. R 16.00
Cost per Square Meter R 28.08
Total Cost Comparison per Square Meter R 163.48 R 364.71 R 201.23
Total Cost Comparison R 76,835.13 R 142,237.33 R 78,480.52
On a 200m2 house with 470m2 of vertical walling